January 7th, 2014. It's soooooooooo cold! Record weather watches in 50 states. We're being warned: "Don't go out." So what does a quilter do in times like these? QUILT! My neighbors deserve a little post Christmas gift for watching out for me and my home, so I made them a wall hanging featuring their lovely home to reciprocate for the lovely wreath their young daughter made for my front door this past holiday season. I often enjoy watching their family in warmer weather: A father, mother and two small children. it so reminds me of my days as a young mother, raising my brood of three. The laughter, the songs, the running back and forth. They are like subjects in a Norman Rockwell painting, reminding me of what peace we have in America. I hope my gift becomes a part of their daily decor and happy memories for years to come. It's nice to know that as long as you can thread a needle, you can always make something by hand to show people how much they are appreciated every day of the year.
One of two quilt tops I created at Gee's Bend from my daughter's childhood dresses. She will receive it as a gift when she returns from Afganistan.
Linc Bennet Designs with Fiber
Atlanta Artist during his exhibition @ the Junor Gallery in Decatur, GA.
Handmade Pledge
Welcome to Christine Bethea's Cyber Journal of Quilts, Quilting and Quilters
Ok, I admit it. This is my 5th blog. I knew I liked to write, but I didn't know it was such a passion until I discovered blogs and blogging almost a year ago. Now its taken over like auto writing, and I keep wanting to tell stories, and with that of course comes taking pictures and well, this is my 5th blog. :-) ...But this one is special. No agenda, no hard news, just friends, and chat and quilts. I hope when you stop by to visit Quilter's Candy, you sit back and enjoy it like a steamy cup of java with hazelnut creme.
Origins of Quilter's Candy
A word concocted by quilters and fabric stores to define small sections of material called "fat quarters" (usually sized 18"x22" and bundled), that by nature of their beauty by color(s) or texture(s) are irresistible to any quilter who happens to spot them.
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